welcome message


Hello to everyone who's probably reading my blog. I post a lot of random things but recently, I got addicted to Kpop and started posting blogs about Super Junior and Girls' Generation. Anyways, enjoy reading my entries, I'm yet to add more stuff in this blog.:-)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


ahhhmmmmmm.,.,.,i really don't know what to type. Hahaha.:-)
well, i just feel like posting a blog entry...

anyways...earlier this morning, i read a magazine article from Scientific American entitled Magnifying Taste in their august 2008 issue, which by the way, i got from my aunt for an article for my LRP in ENG2. (haha, long sentence...isn't it?). anyways. the article was about our tongue's taste perceptions and some special watchimacolets to enhance the taste quality of foods. the article also discuss our taste buds, which, to ny surprise, revealed that the human tongue is not divided into regions that can taste certain flavors of food, like sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami (savory), but instead has taste receptors scattered on the surface of the tongue that detects all flavors!

(or am i the last person to know this..?? haha. hope not. anyways. i don't really care! haha.:-))
that reminds me, i'm also gonna post this on my friendster and multiply account.",

ahah! well, i now realized that the thing they (teachers) taught us during elementary and high school is quite out-of-date and completely (well, not almost) wrong.
hahahahahaha.....:-) all these years, i thought my tongue really has 'invisible' divisions. haha. oh well.X_x.

i really do feel that the government has to do something about it. the out-of-date teachings and references. i mean, what would be the implications of these "incorrect knowledge" to little children when they grow up, right? haha. oh well.:-0...guess that really is education here; you'll be fed up with out-dated stuff when you're little that you thought was right, next thing you know, when you've reached higher schooling, it's not. haha again and again hahaha. :-D.

(SIGH!) changing the topic....until now, i don't really know whether i am to attend summer classes or not. our petition has not yet been approved. (sigh again",). i really really do hope it will be, approved that is, because i badly need CHEM 17!! haha.", well that's life. i guess i just have to live with...hahaX_x.

i (or rather we,) also need to find a house to stay in for the summer and next semester...huhu.
my problems wo'nt stop haunting me...ahhhhhh!!! i can do this!!!! hahah yeah! :-D

'til then, bye!

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